Monday, October 5, 2009

The Aesthetic Excuse

Americans have long been known for our obsession with appearances. Our collective beauty obsession and the pursuit of perfection have spawned multiple magazines, miracle creams and, no doubt, trips to the therapist’s office.

You may be wondering why I’m discussing the American aesthetic on a blog about wind energy. Did you know that there is a movement against wind energy based almost entirely on the aesthetics of wind turbines?

Perhaps it’s just me but I cannot find a single aesthetically pleasing thing about a power plant. I’ll admit, my opinion may be unfairly influenced by the ever present aroma of chemical pollutants or the surprising sting of smog as it hits my eyes – but I just don’t get it. I cannot find any logic to the argument that since some people in our country don’t like the way that turbines look, we’re going to continue poisoning ourselves by building more of what is apparently seen as the more attractive option – the conventional power plant.

I’ve included some photos for comparison:

Feel free to tell me how crazy I am for not finding the smoke spewing, pollutant belching power plant more aesthetically pleasing than a wind farm.

Wind turbines, some of which are designed to be no taller than a cell tower, are an excellent way to produce our own clean, renewable energy. We've grown accustomed to the sight of cell towers, water towers and utility poles on the horizon - why not turbines?

I think we can all agree that it is in our best interest to be less reliant on foreign powers for our energy needs. We all share a common desire to protect that which is dear to us. Decisions that will affect the future of the prairies, lakes, beaches, rivers and mountains of this great country should not be made based on someone’s idea of beauty.

*Power plant photo from, Wind farm photo from

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